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Bitumen Suppliers

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Cold Packed Bitumen..

Bitumen packed in specially made membrane, which does not affect its quality. We do not add any additives. It is environmentally friendly and no wastage to the

MJ Bitumen

Australian Supplier

If you looking for quality bitumen in any quantity shipped to Australia or anywhere Globally please don't hesitate to ask for a competitive price. There

bitumen suppliers group

Saudi Arabian Exporter

We are offering Bitumen 60/70/80/100 of Russian and Saudi origin. Delivery will be in steel Barrels, each Metric Ton will be equal to 5 barrel (200KG) each or

Bitumen Petro

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Exporter
Bitumen (all grades :10- 150) /..

Bitumen Petro Energy, is a leading provider of bitumen solutions covering markets from Southeast Asia to Africa. We take pride in offering high-quality bitumen

Bitumen (all grades :1...
Bitumen (all grades :1...
Bitumen (all grades :1...

Arad Bitumen

German Exporter

It is a kind of bitumen, which is provided during the process of oxidation of vacuum bottom (the bitumen production feedstock that derives from distillation tow

Bitumen 85 100
emulsion Bitumen
Bitumen penetration grade 60/70..

Bitumen 60/70 Specification Test method Penetration @ 25 c 60/70 D.5 Softening point c  49/56  D.36 Ductility @25 c  100 Min &nb

Bitumen penetration gr...

Ramesses Pte LTd

Singapore Supplier
Bitumen 60/90..

Polymer Modified Asphalt Cement - This bitumen is produced during the process of oxidation of vacuum bottom in bitumen production units. Due to its high air blo

far-east point

Malaysian Supplier
Bitumen 30/40, 40/50, 60/70, 8.....

Bitumen Penetration Grade 85/100 is a standard penetration grad. It usually used for road construction and for the production of asphalt pavements with superior

Bitumen 30/40, 40/50, ...


United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Exporter

With refineries, plants and depots around the world, we operate a reliable global and regional bitumen manufacturing and marketing network to supply high quali


rawasi shada

Saudi Arabian Supplier
Bitumen 60/70 | Bitumen 85/100..

Established in 2009. The company is mandate for Refinery in Russia federation. Also, represents many sellers of Wheat, Sugar, Steam Coal and Metals.

Oasis Global Trading LLC

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Supplier
Bitumen 60/70..

Oasis Global Trading Limited guarantees that the Bitumen Grade 60/70 it supplies under its offers is produced in compliance to and is in conformity to AASHTO M2

Bitumen 80/100
Bitumen MC

Zista Group

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Supplier

Our Supply of Penetration Bitumen is as below:   Quality and Production: 100% Purely from VB/Slurry Grades: 60/70, 80/100, 40/50 , 100/120 Packaging: i

Oxidized Bitumen
Bitumen Bitubags..

This is a golden opportunity for bitumen buyers in the world. Instead of metal barrels that take up a lot of space after use, use bitumen special bags. These

Bitumen Bitubags
Bitumen Bitubags
Bitumen Bitubags
Bitumen Bitubags

Infinity Galaxy

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Exporter

Infinity Galaxyis one of leading petrochemical and oil products supplier especially to India and Africa, please kindly visit our website to be familiar with our

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