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Cassava Suppliers

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Nigeria (394)
Vietnam (67)
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Dried Cassava..

Dried Cassava We supply/export dried cassava chips for bio-ethanol production. Quantity: 5, 000MT or more for yearly contract Price: USD250.00MT CIF Deliv

Dried Cassava Chips
Cassava Flour, Dried Cassava, .....

Enjoy the fresh and superior taste of Indonesian cassava root, grown and harvested to perfection. Our carefully selected cassava roots are of the highest qualit

Cassava Flour, Dried C...
Cassava Flour, Dried C...
Cassava Flour, Dried C...

Samof Farms

Ghanaian Exporter
cassava farming..

Cassava Flakes: Cassava flakes, also known as cassava chips, are a delightful snack crafted from thinly sliced and crisply fried cassava roots. At Samof Farms,

MOCAF Modified Cassava Flour..

 MOCAF, Modified Cassava Flour is known as an alternative to wheat due to it is GLUTEN FREE. MOCAF is made of naturaly fermented cassava chip in order


Makari Farms

United Kingdom Exporter
Cassava producuts..

Zamfri Farms produces cassava chips and all cassava product eg garri. We have the ability to supply up to 250mt of dried cassava chip a week. We have a large st

Ground Nuts..

We are an agricultural company that cultivates Hibiscus flowers, Cassava, groundnuts, sesame seeds and maize.

Sesame Seeds
Cassava Chips

John Nash Ltd

United Kingdom Exporter
Cassava chips..

cassava is processed into chips by peeling, cutting into chunks and drying on the floor or by the roadside. It is e

Cassava Flour..

Cassava flour is gluten-free, grain-free and nut-free. These properties make it a great choice for people with a selective diet or with food allergies and sensi

Cassava Flour
Cassava Flour
Cassava Flour
Crunchy Ijebu Garri
Cassava starch..

We export cassava starch food grade with the following specification: 1. Starch Content : Min 85% 2. Moisture : Max 13% 3. Ash Content : Max 0.2% 4. PH :


Nigerian Supplier
Cassava chips..

We have in abundant over 100 metric tons of cassava chips for sale.... we can deliver to any part of the world within a short period of time. We are a Nigerian

Gia Thang Co., ltd

Vietnamese Supplier
Cassava Starch..

Cassava starch from Vietnam Starch: 85% min Moisture:13.5% max Whiteness 90% min Protein:0.3% max

Tapioca chips

CPL Services

United Kingdom Supplier
Jabi Foods - Quality Cassava F.....

The cassava flour which is the final product of our processing is the dried milled content of peeled tubers having particle size not larger than 180 microns (0.


Cassava is a major staple food in the Africa and some countries outside Africa, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people. Based on recent &nbsp

Cassava Chip
Cassava Starch
Cassava Flakes
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