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Chia Suppliers

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Organic and Conventional Chia..

Quinoa presents an exceptional quality of protein by its high content of essential amino acids, standing out lysine, which is a basic nutrient for the developme

Organic and Convention...
Organic and Convention...
Organic and Convention...
Organic and Convention...

Ecoinca SAC

Peruvian Exporter

Ecoinca is a young company founded in 2008 by Rachelle and Stefano, 2 guys with the desire of helping the farmers from the remote areas of the Andes to have a b

Super Foods

Agro Tigre

Bolivian Exporter
Chia Seeds..

We are Ag Producers & Exporters, and we are offering Chia seeds. Quality analysis and delivery from Jul-Aug/13.

Salvere Farms

Nicaraguan Exporter
Organic Black Chia Seeds (Salv.....

We are selling organic black Chia seeds grown naturally in the mountains of Jinotega in Nicaragua. The origin of the Nicaraguan chia seed is considered to be of

MCL srl

Bolivian Exporter
Organic Chia..

Cientific name: Salvia Hispanica Variedad: lamiaceae Grain Color: Grey Grain Appearance: Small and ovoid grain Protein: 18-21% Fiber: 33% Omega 3: 19-21% Omega


Paraguayan Exporter
Chia seed..

This plant grows natively in South America. Chia seeds were an important food for the Aztecs and Mayans back in the day. They prized them for their ability to p


Paraguayan Exporter
Chia seeds conventional..

We have 20 tons of Chia seeds black conventional ready to be delivered from Paraguay We are producers. Our first crop reached 200 tons on 2013. We are planning


Alquimia Argentina SH was established in 2010. We sell about 5.000 MT a year and can provide organic or conventional chia, sesame, beans and quinoa seeds with c

Our company growns and exports.....

Alquimia Argentina Group is one of the leading exporter of seeds in South America since 1995.We sell about 5.000 MT a year. Our company growns and exports organ

Our company growns and...
Our company growns and...


Mexican Exporter
Chia seed wholesale organic an.....

We are a Mexican producer and exporter of chia seeds that has the highest quality standards from the beginning of planting until the product reaches the hands o


Paraguayan Exporter
Chia Seeds..

Alpacasa Overview    Alpacasa is a Paraguayan company established in 1998.   Alpacasa produces and distills essential oils from natur


Bolivian Exporter
chia SEED Chia oil Chia oil s.....

we are a bolivian procuducer comercializing specializing and marketing of superfoods in bulk and processed by our own raw material. we offer the following organ

Organic Chia seed..

Delivery Detail: Depends of the destination We are a peruvian company dedicated to the processing and exporting organic products from the Andeas and the Amazon.

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