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Cod Suppliers

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cod.pollock, red fish, YFS, ha.....

The main product we can offer are as Alaska pollock , Cod(A cod & P cod) , Yellow fin soel , chum salmon , Red fish & Ocean perch , Hake , Arrow tooth f

Salted Cod Fillets..

Made in Portugal from top quality longline Cod. Shelf life of 1year, containing 16% salt content with traditional flavour. Main markets for this product are Spa

Dry salted COD congo s...
Cod Fillet Frames
Cod dessalted Loins
Pacific cod(Gadus macrocephalus)..

We are a frozen seafood processor and trader located in Shandong China We have been devoting our effort on providing quality seafood to our customers and build

Pacific cod(Gadus macr...
Atlantic Cod(Gadus mor...

Our company mainly do the seafood inoport and export with efficient marketing all over the world. We mainly export swai fellit \illex Argentinus squid \to

Firma Lecom

Russian Supplier
Поставщик Свежезамороженная | .....

Поставщик Свежезамороженная | Свежезамороженная Экспортер | Свежезамороженная Произв

Поставщик сайки | сайк...
Поставщик Рыбные | Рыб...
H&G Alaskan Cod..

H&G Long Line Caught Alaskan Cod Collar on & J-cut both avialable Size available in CBO is 2.5 kg + Size avialable in J-Cut is -2.5 kg Shore froze

Fishery Group UAB

Lithuanian Supplier
Frozen cod/haddock..

We take this opportunity to offer the following fresh frozen Atlantic cod and haddock available in Velsen, Holland. Trawl caught - cod h/g 0, 5-1, 0 kg cod

Japanese Seabass..

Dalian Yihe Food Co., Ltd. owns and operates a seafood processing plant in Dalian, China and our annual production capacity is ~7000MT, and our cold storage cap

Pacific Cod
Chinese Mackerel
Chum Salmon
Short-necked Clam

LusoTrading Corp.

Portuguese Supplier
Dry Salted CodFish..

LusoTrading, Corp are a trading enterprise. We have Salted CofFish from Portugal and origin in Norway, he can be delivered in twenty-foot containers or biggest

frozen P/A-COD loin..

frozen pacific/atlantic COD fillets, 1.skinless, PBO, 50/70, 70-90, 100-120g/pc, as requested 2.100%, 90%NW, 80%, 10%20%glazing 3.with/without additive 4.1

P-Cod Mold Block..

P-Cod Mold Block; Skinless, Boneless; Shin-on , Boneless; Skinless PBI; Size: 15-1000G. Packaging: As per customers' request.

Dried and Salted products..

Dried and Salted Pollock Migas(Theragra Chalcogramma), Moisture:48-50% max Size:8-12cm length, 2-4cm width Packing:2x5kg/ctn bulk

light salted A COD, HADDOCK, S.....

Dear sirs, I am very gald to know your company from the ***** that, we noted that, you are the prospective buyers of seafood products.As this item falls withi

light salted A COD, HA...
frozen fish..

frozen monk fish, frozen cod fish, frozen yellow corvina, frozen black fish, frozen flathead fish, frozen pomfret, frozen (spanish) mackerel

Atlantic cod..

Atlantic cod: Origin - Norway/Russia Sizes - 0,3-0,5 kg; 0,5-1kg; 1-2 kg; 2-3 kg Quantities available - we are buying the cod all the time, so just let us k

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