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Figs Suppliers

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Turkey (147)
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Turkish Sun Dried Figs..

-Turkish sun dried figs -Types: Lerida, protoben, garland, pulled, baglama, natural -Packaging: Carton, wooden, cellophane

Turkish Sun Dried Figs
Turkish Sun Dried Figs
Turkish Sun Dried Figs
Turkish Sun Dried Figs
dried fig, dried apricot..

We are able to supply you dried figs of Aegean Region of Turkey. You can visit our website for more information.  Figs are an important source of essen

dried fig, dried apricot
dried fig, dried apricot
dried fig, dried apricot
Dried figs


Greek Supplier
dried figs..

Dried figs Dried Figs come exclusively from the Smyrni type figtrees. They have primrose yellow color, pleasant odor, thin skin and honey-taste texture.

dried figs

Dunker Limited

Turkish Exporter
New Crop Dried Figs..

High quality dried figs will be delivered in several types of packaging depending on your order. We export mainly to the EU countries. Our figs pass all the nec

Fig paste

SUN DRIED RAISINS SULTANAS The grapes are dried into the following types of raisins: 1. Sultanas: The large, yellow-green grapes . 2. Dark Raisins (Tho



United Kingdom Supplier
kimi dried figs..

We can provide you with dried kimi figs. The Kimi Fig is a unique product, acknowledged by the European Union as a product with Protected Name of Origin PNO. It

Turkish Dried Apricots, Figs, .....

Dear sirs, We, as Redriver Foods Inc, Richmond VA. ,one of the largest American companies in Dried Fruits & Nuts, are pleased to introduce / announce tha

RM Foods Co.

Turkish Supplier
Dried Figs..

Our Turkish Origined Dried Fig Products - Natural Figs, Extra, Fancy (Class 1), Package: 10 kg – 12, 5 kg - Lerida Figs, Extra, Fancy (Class 1), Packa


Turkish Supplier
dried fruits..

We would like to introduce ourselves as an reliable export-import representative company and we are mainly dealing with dried fruits. We have close business con


United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Supplier
dates, pistachio, raisins, fig.....

Arah was able to rise to prominence in the field of exporting all varieties of Iranian dried fruits and nuts over time and as a result of the expansion and deve

Jahan Tejarat Felexa Co.

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Exporter
Dried Figs..

Were excited to offer you the tastiest and healthiest option for snacking our Dried Figs! We carefully handpick each fig from the best orchards of Persia, wher

Dried Figs
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