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Industrial Salt Suppliers

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Crystal Salt AS

Norwegian Exporter
Sea salt, Rock salt, Deicing s.....

A cost efficient, top quality product of gritting salt. Our product has a very high concentration of Na-Cl. We can provide both sea salt and rock salt in this q

salt trust

Egyptian Exporter
de icing salt..

De icing salt De icing of roads has traditionally been done with salt.Ice forms when the­ temperature of water reaches 32 degrees Fahrenh

de icing salt

Siwa Salt

United Kingdom Exporter
Raw Salt - Egyptian Siwa Oasis.....

Salt from the Siwa Oasis in Egypt which is known for its high quality salt deposits.  Siwa Salt is principally known and recognised for its low mois

Raw Salt - Egyptian Si...
Raw Salt - Egyptian Si...
Raw Salt (Crushed) - E...
Raw Salt (Crushed) - E...

Al Fakhar Traders

Pakistani Exporter
Refined Salt | Refined Salt Su.....

Product Details: 1. Chemical Formula:Nacl. 2.Application:Widely use in food and food process industry. Basic chemical industrial material, Mainly used in prod

Sea Salt | Sea Salt Ex...
Sea Salt | Sea Salt Ex...
Rock Salt | Rock Salt ...
PDV Salt for the Textile Industry..

PDV salt (as known as Refined Table Salt, Salt For Cooking and Food Grade Rock Salt) is a high purity, fine cubic-crystal salt, especially manufactured to remov

Refined Industry Salt
Industrial Salt..

Industrial salt with your desired specification. Gives us your requirement that suits your industrial need and we deliver it to you.

Industrial Salt..

Mutlucan Tuz A.S. is one of the leading salt producers of Turkey. Its a big pleasure for us to meet you at a such trade platform. As Mutlucan, We have been prod

Industrial salt from India..

At cementationindia, we produce quality salt for Industrial usage, de-icing purpose, raw salt and it is sold overseas on larger scale and local market as well.


Egyptian Exporter

* De-Icing Salt * Raw salt * Road salt * Rock salt * Crystal Salt * Industrial Salt * Sea Salt * Washed salt



Egyptian Supplier
Egyptian White Marine Road Sal.....

Egyptian White Marine Road Salt for De-icing Composition: NaCl Color: White. Industrial salt color and specification. Average composition: NaCl : from

Egyptian White Marine ...
road de-icing salt
industrial salt


Czech Supplier
industrial salt..

Our company Firebridge(Czech Republic) would like to offer high-quality salt, stored in our warehouse in Čierna nad Tisou (Slovakia). We offer the following ty

JBR Enterprises

Pakistani Exporter
himalayan rock salt, gypsum, w.....

JBR Enterprises is specialized in exporting all form of Salt & Hand crafted products of salt with high quality and most competitive prices. Product List

Crystal Salt..

We offer the finest Refined Crystal Salt that has extensive industrial applications. Our offered Refined Crystall Salt is used in variou

Industrial Salt

Al Zain Trading

United Arab Emirates (Dubai) Supplier

We suppy Industrial Salt, Iodized Free Flow Salt, Snow Melt Salt. We specialized in all kind of Snow Melting other product like Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chlo

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