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Interactive Suppliers

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LCD interactive multi-witing p.....

Interactive function Bring new applications and excellent experiences for the users. Transform any flat surface even a wall into an interactive board.

LCD interactive projector
protable interactive w...
All-In-One interactive...


Chinese Exporter
DLP Short-throw Interactive Pr.....

DLP Short-throw Interactive Projector which with multi-writing function, can make any projection screen (even a wall) into an Interactive Whiteboard. Short-thro

Long-focus Portable In...
F-35 The Most Powerful...
LCD Long-Focus Interac...


South African Exporter
Interactive Windows..

Interactive Windows The Interactive Window turns any window into an interactive touch screen. It can be used for interactive advertising or product catalogue

Interactive Touch Foils
interactive projection floor/wall..

An unusual and exciting product that combines all the fun elements of dancing flames, shimmering water, floating fish, magical stars, blooming flowers and visua

interactive projection...
interactive projection...
interactive projection...
interactive projection...

PowerVote (UK) LIMITED

United Kingdom Exporter
Power Vote Easy System..

Our company is leading supplier of Powervote Easy System. We have Audience & Personal Response System (PRS & ARS). Our Main Product Line: * Wireless

Wireless Radio Frequen...
Interactive Voting System
Interactive Audience V...

Bảng thng minh mn hnh cảmứng l một TV tương tc, n được tch hợp sẵn với mn hnh LCD / LED v mn hnh cảm ứ...


PLJ International Co., LTD

Chinese Exporter
Trust Points: 1333
Infrared Interactive Whiteboard..

1. Technique: infrared 2. Packing: 186 x 136 x 11cm/set 3. OS: Windows, Mac.OS, Linux 4. Software: powerful functions and easy to learn 5. Cerificate: CEÂ

Portable Interactive W...
CCD Interactive Whiteb...

Rafus Academy

Polish Supplier
English-Turkish Smart Dictionary..

Bu szlk, geleneksel kitabın ve Rafus Academy uygulaması şeklindeki yeni teknolojinin başarılı bir kombinasyonudur.   Bu kitapta, konularına gr

English-Turkish Smart ...
qeoyo Interactive 42 inch all-.....

Interactive 42 inch� all-in-one digital vertical query touch advertising LED screen machine � overview � Quick details place of origin:���Guangdong,

qeoyo Customized 100 i...
qeoyo Customized 55 in...
AI Holo-Box..

A holographic cabin, equipped with various sensors, a special and suitable display for digital human. AI voice interaction supported, suitable for digital huma

Infrared Interactive Whiteboard..

Specification : 900 * 1200 1200 * 1500 1200 * 1800 " 1. When the soft-screen is used, the optical pointer can be controled from the distance 2.With Ultra

Restaurant Interactive Order M.....

This machine interactive order system designed by ACCESS DIGISOFT company for the famous Subway restaurants. After ordered, while waiting for your meal, you can

interactive whiteboard..

•Adopting electromagnetic technology, Fast Response、Accurate Positioning. •The board was used PET materials,Strong enough 、Environment-friendly、

interactive whiteborad
latest interactive whi...
Interactive display..

1. The distance between the tempered glass and the screen is close to 0, which preventing the reflection of light effectively, showing excellent effect and exce

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