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Peanut Suppliers

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Peanut Slicing Machine, Almond.....

Peanut slicing machine used for slicing peanut, almond, cashew kernel, walnut kernel and other nuts. Model     &am

Peanut Roaster, Gas Pe...
China Raw Peanut in shell..

China New Crop Raw Peanut in shell *2012 new crop * On time deliveries * Competitive prices *Strict Quality Control Measures

China Raw Peanut in shell
Raw Peanut Kernels
Raw Blanched Peanut Ke...
Raw Blanched Peanut Ke...

Organic Stripped Peanuts and Local Peanuts origin from Indonesia. Cultivated and processed organically, fully certified with USDA and EU Organic and HACCP for t

Roasted Peanuts..

Name: Rosted Peanuts Raw Materials: peanut / salt / etc Processing Type: Baked Packing Specifications: 2*12.5kg/ carton Inner Packing: Plastic bags Outer

peanut shelling machine ..

 Peanut shelling machine sets is the complete system for remove&nb


Indonesian Exporter
Abon Pecel Josska..

Shredded pecel josska is a peanut sauce seasoning in the form of dry powder which can be used for dry food menus such as bread topping or can be used for peanut

Abon Pecel Josska
Abon Pecel Josska
Abon Pecel Josska
6YL-95 peanut screw press..

Main technical parameters of 6YL-95 type screw press 1, the shaft speed: 35-39 r / min    2, gearbox ratio: 15/40 * 15/55 = 1: 5.11 3, with po

6YL-130 peanut screw p...
6YL-125A peanut automa...
Peanuts, Groundnut..

Peanuts - groundnuts in 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 count with 8% moisture are avialable. The Groundnut are also availalbe in require quantity and reasonable

Sell Yellow Soybean..

400g X 50bags We are exporting CHINESE FOOD regularly to U.K Port / European Union / USA as per Buyer's specification and requirements. If you need any

Sell Peanut
Sell Mushroom

Sun Exports

Indian Supplier

We can offer you peanuts of various count 50/60, 80/90, 90/100 in Bold type. We are India exporter of spices and Peanuts. We can offer you the best in

peanut shell pellets..

Peanut shell pelletstaking place of firewood, coal, gas are used for heating, cooking, and generating electricity, etc. The pellets are evengranular, slick, wel

peanut shell pellets..

Diameter: 8MM Moisture: 11%max Calorie: 3800--4200CAL/KG (17.5-18.8 MJ/kg) Ash: 7%max Density: 900-1100KG/M3

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