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Briquettes Suppliers

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BioGranex UAB

Lithuanian Exporter
Wood briquettes..

We are selling good quality RUF type wood briquettes in Lithuania and looking partners, who would like to buy it in Europe. If you are interested please conta


Ukrainian Exporter
Wood briquettes..

Ukranian company produces wood briquettes from pine and oak ***** 20 *****. volume 200t/month. Packing 12 units per pack (10kg)-960kg on a pallet.90 euros per t

MassCoco Lanka

Sri Lankan Exporter
Coco Peat Briquttes..

Briquettes are the best solution for small gardens and green house owners and for Potting Soil producers. They are also an ideal solution for hydroponic vegeta


Indian Exporter
coconut charcoal briquette..

Pooja Exports is a premier exports company operating in 32 countries across the globe over the last 25 years. Headquartered in Hong Kong, our team consists of h

coconut charcoal briqu...
coconut charcoal briqu...
coconut charcoal briqu...
coconut charcoal briqu...

Sieliger Woods

Russian Exporter

Wood Briquettes made from sawdust. 15x8x5 cm - Made in Russia. 2000 tons per week available for immediate delivery. Price and point of delivery to be agree

nitrided manganese metal briqu.....

Comm: nitrided manganese metal briquettes. Specs: MN 83-88 % N 6-8% C 0.10%max s 0.05%max p 0.05%max si 1.0%. Max size: 10-50mm 90%. Min packing: in big bags o

nitrided manganese met...
nitrided manganese met...
nitrided manganese met...
nitrided manganese met...


Latvian Exporter
Firewood kiln dried logs, 1.0-.....

Experienced wood manufacturing and trading company from Latvia is offering these products, Wood Type: Alder, Ash, Birch, Oak, Mixed. Length: from 25 to 40 cm on

Firewood kiln dried lo...
Firewood kiln dried lo...
Firewood kiln dried lo...
Coconut Charcoal Briquettes..

Made from granulated coconut charcoal, formed with the help of a binder. Hexagonal in shape with a hole at the center for good ventilation.

Cade Group

Estonian Exporter
Briquettes RUF..

We sell RUF briquettes. Briquettes are packed in 10 kg packs. Briquettes mostly consist of birch (about 60%)

Dry firewood (birch) a...
Coconut Pillow Briquettes..

Specifications and details to be discuss with buyers  

Coconut Pillow Briquettes
Hexagonal Briquettes
Hexagonal Briquettes
Coconut Briquette (cube)
Barbeque briquettes..

Briquettes with relatively bigger size, which results in longer burning time, purposely made for cooking and power plant purposes. Made from a mix of coconut sh

Barbeque briquettes
Barbeque briquettes
Coconut charcoal briqu...
Coconut charcoal briqu...
BBQ Charcoal Briquettes..

  BBQ CHARCOAL BRIQUETTE sparkless , 100% natural , natural odors MATERIALS: Tamarind, halaban, coconut, fruit wood, customizable BURNING TIME: 4- 6 ho

BBQ Charcoal Briquettes
Hookahs / Shisha Cube ...
Hookahs / Shisha Cube ...

PT Sun Loka Jaya

Indonesian Exporter
Coconut Charcoal Briquette Shisha..

Our Premium Shisha Briquettes boast a moisture content of less than 5%, ensuring a consistently smooth and flavorful smoking session. With an ash content rangin

Coconut Charcoal Briqu...
Coconut Charcoal Briqu...
Coconut Charcoal Briqu...
Coconut Charcoal Briqu...


Indonesian Exporter
Coconut Charcoal Briquettes..

We are the supplier of Premium grade Coconut Charcoal Briquettes in Indonesia for Shisha and Barbeque. We provide the best quality of charcoal. We hope that our

Coconut Charcoal Briqu...
Coconut Charcoal Briqu...


Indonesian Exporter
Charcoal Briquettes..

Charcoal briquettes are solid fuel produced through the process of compacting wood charcoal powder or other biomass using adhesives such as tapioca flour or sta

Coconut charcoal briquettes..

Briquettes made from excellent coconut charcoal that are suitable for burning food. made utilising high-quality raw materials and a production process that adh

Coconut charcoal briqu...
Coconut charcoal briqu...
Coconut charcoal briqu...
Coconut charcoal briqu...
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