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Epoxy resin..

Epoxy resin is widely used in the automotive industry, information industry, energy, transportation, construction industry. We are a chemical exporter in China

Formic Acid
Sodium Hydrosulfite
Hydrogen Peroxide
Carbon Black N220..

Carbon Black Applications: Our company manufactures the Carbon Black series of superior-wear resisance(N220), high-wear resistance(N330), quick-press(N550),

caustic soda
Oxalic acid..

In the chemical industry for the manufacture of pentaerythritol, cobalt ***** acid nickel, basic green, steet.soil analysis complete set foreagents, chemical re

Calcium Carbide..

CHEMICAL NAME: Calcium Carbide MOLECULAR FORMULA: CaC2 CAS NO.: 75-20-7 MOLECULAR WEIGHT: 64.10 DESCRIPTION: Properties: Yellowished-brown or black lump

Supply Calcium Carbide
Soda Ash..

Soda ash light/dense Na2CO3 Our company is one of the main chemical suppliers in China. We are specialized in chemical raw material products like the oxalic

Zinc Oxide..

For paint, printing ink, rubber, cable, medicines, electronics , papermaking , enamel, match, cosmetic and other chemical industry application

98.5% min furfural..

Furfural is used as solvent in petrochemical refining to extract dienes from other hydrocarbons . As lubricating oil refining, furfuryl alcohol production by h


1. Calcium hydrophosphate (feed grade) 2. Ferrous sulphate (feed grade) 3. Manganese sulphate (feed grade) 4. Zinc oxide (feed

Titanium Dioxide..

Titanium dioxide in rubber Industry in both as colorants, also has the reinforcing, prevent ageing, filling ***** white and ***** products.Add titanium white, i

Phosphate Acid
Chromic Acid
Paraffin Wax
High Desity Polyethylene

HS code:3206.4210 CAS NO.: 1345-05-7 molecular formula: ZnS BaSO4 Specification: B301, B311 lithopone B301 B311 ZnS 28% MIN 30% MIN ZnO 0.6%MIN 0.3

Carbon black..

Nature: Pure black or fine powder. Insoluble in water, acids and alkalis. Combustion in air. The main component is an element carbon, also contain a small amoun

Titanium Dioxide Type
Aluminium Sulphate
Zinc Oxide (Indi.....

used in rubber, paint, medicine, printing ink, cable, electronics, papermaking, enamel, match, cosmetic and other chemical industrial applications. eed additiv

Sodium Formate
Copper Sulfate Pentahy...

we, Shijiazhuang Jihua Chemical textile Co.,Ltd, a main manufacturer and leading exporter on dyed textile of high quality, can supply you many kinds of jeans,su

imitate the velveteen
Acetic acid..

1. Name: Acetic acid 2. Molecular formula: CH2O2 3. Molecular weight: 60.05 4. Physical and Chemical property: Stimulating odor. melting point 16

Gasoloid Flatting Silicon..

Characteristics: High transparence physical characteristics, 1. Dry, white micronized powder, 2. Porous, large surface area, amorphous, inactive chemical

Calcine Kaolin
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