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Green Tea Suppliers

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organic matcha..

Product Details description Product Name IMO Organic-certified Ceremony Grade Imperial Matcha A Product Code  TP-001 Grade Ceremony Shelf Time 3 years

blooming flower tea
Green Tea Chunmee
China Green Tea Specia...

Tea Description: This sweet aromatic liquor aids to a life of health and balance. Green tea should never be steeped in boiling water. '' Infuse 1tsp.

Arya Certified Organic...

he bases of the organic green tea is located on the moutain over 1000 ***** and the temperature have big changed between day and ***** soil has high contents hi

The Organic Green Tea
Chunmee Green Tea Grade 9371..

Chun Mee Green Tea From China , Famouse in the world! Chun Mee is a popular green tea. It has a dusty appearance and is generally more acidic and less sweet tha

China Green Tea Chunmee..

Specialized in tea production and export over 60 years. Two modernized blending factories. Over 30, 000 hectares tea gardens. ISO, QS & FDA certificated.


Kenyan Exporter
silver needle white tea..

Bavis Tea is a registered business in kenya. we produce high quality silver needle white tea, green tea and black tea. our prices are negotiable and invite ou

green tea
Black tea
Guansi organic green tea..

FUJIAN GOLUCKY ORGANIC TEA CO., LTD. Originates from an old and well-known tea family, which means “tea flavor spreading in the air regarding all person

chinese  high mountain...
organic green tea heal...
organic green tea fat ...
qinggu youlan organic ...
Osmanthus Tea..

The haunting aroma of the rare Osmanthus flower provides a very pleasing sweet fruity fragrance to the prime green or black teas.Blooming season for Osmanthus

Green tea..

Not crushed, broken Solute content in tea to reach 32% or more. Less than 0.001 iron impurities PE+PP+Gunny. 35kg/bag, Quantity: 15 MT- 20 FCL

BP1 , PF1 CTC Black tea
Best sell Certified EU Standar.....

 we main manufacture a kind of tea in china,  we supply&n

Best sell Certified EU...
Best sell Certified EU...
Best sell Certified EU...
Best sell Certified EU...
green tea bag..

Herbal Tea Bag 2g*25bags/box , 48 boxes/carton or At buyer's optionThe Chunmee tea looks uniform, touches soft and thick, tastes mellow with strong last

gunpowder green tea9371
china tea-gunpowder gr...
green tea (chunmee)
green tea (chunmee)41022
Greenwood Green Tea..

Green Tea grown in the central highlands of Sri Lanka using organic fertiliser. Since the inception of Greenwood tea Company in 1998, we have specialised in th

Chunmee & Gunpowder..

We are the largest tea exporter in China, and we provide tea with high quality that is always highly appreciated by the buyers. 41022/9371 are the chunmee green

Vietnamese green tea..

Supply green tea from Vietnam. We have various type of green tea. Up to using purpose, you can choose from Grade A to Grade E.

Gunpower tea..

WAFA was Established in 1994, now is the Biggest green tea factory in china .welcome to WAFA, our city near by the city: Hangzhou , Ningbo , Yiwu , Shanghai&

china green tea
Green tea/chunmee tea ...
China green tea/The ve...
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