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Logs Suppliers

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Guatemalan Supplier
Hardwood logs and blocks..

We offer eucalyptus logs from Ecuador, Brazil and Uruguay. Logs are the quality needed to produce veneer core for the plywood manufacturers. The volumes and dim


United Kingdom Supplier

WE HAVE OVER 50000 RUBBER TREE LOGS.  hardwood Rubberwood is a light-colored medium-density tropical hardwood obtained from the Par r

Solvering SL

Spanish Supplier
Pellets, wood chips and logs f.....

The actual demand for biomass in Europe, and other parts of the world, is high but not everybody can arrive to trustful and secure producers, this for several r

Pellets, wood chips an...

Ecotech Alliance

Australian Supplier
A-Grade hardwood charcoal..

Biomass charcoal, sawdust logs and wood pellets has many advantages over other fuel sources. Biomass is renewable, widely distributed, non-disruptive to existi

A-Grade hardwood charcoal
A-Grade hardwood charcoal
A-Grade hardwood charcoal
B-Grade hardwood charcoal


Croatian Supplier
oak,beech,accacia logs..

fresh cut logs in class 1, 2, 3 furnir or for sawery logs are cuted in croatia in continental region we can sell any kind of load for example if customer wishes


Indian Supplier
red sandalwood logs......

we engaged in supplying of high quality forest indian red sandalwood logs and also its releted product since our firm gain imurscious name in red san

red sandalwood logs....
red sandalwood logs....
red sandalwood logs....
red sandalwood logs
Raw Logs..

Raw Logs We have other species of logs from Central America. Please inquire by email or calling our Offices. if you are interested so please feel free an

Pine Logs
Rosewood/ sawn planks ...

TEAK It's a fine wood with commercial value for their attributes, is a major hardwoods that exist in the world. Its brightly colored and veined, excellent

Menko ekfr.

German Supplier
African Wood Doussie..

We sell different versions of redwood from Cameroon. We have DOUSSIE, BUBINGA, IROKO, PACHYLOBA. Whitewood: AYOUS, FROMAGER, EKOP

African Bubinga Wood A...


Chinese Supplier
Trust Points: 1333
German poplar round logs..

Specie: Poplar Origin: Germany Quality: ABC grade Diameter: 40 cm and up Length: 3 m and up Free trim: 20 cm Every month we able to supply about 1000 cbm of hi

German poplar round logs
German poplar round logs
German poplar round logs
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