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Magnets Suppliers

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Drawer Magnet..

High quality Magnetic Drawer with 13000Gs, can efficent remove fine iron and ferromagnetic contamination from a range of dry free flowing powdery, scrap, granu

Drawer Magnet
Rotary Grid Magnet
Bullet Magnet
Magnetic Grate
Rare Earth Magnet NdFeB..

Sintered NdFeB Rare Earth Magnets 1.Corrosion resistance 2.Precise dimensional control 3.Good quality, good price, fast deliver

AlNiCo Magnet
Ferrite Arc Magnet
SmCo Samarium Cobalt M...
Flat Fridge Magnet
Permanent NdfeB Magnets..

We are manufacturer of NdfeB Magnets: 1. The strongest power magnets in all of the permanent magnets. 2. Material: Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron. 3. Grade:

Soft Ferrite Magnets
High Temperature Alnic...
Samarium Cobalt Magnets
Flexible Rubber Magnets
Ferrite Magnets..

1).Ferrite magnets 2).Certificate:ISO9001:2008 3).ferrite Magnet Grades:Y10T, Y20, Y25, Y30, Y30BH, Y35; C1, C5, C8, C11

Crossbelt Magnetic Separator (.....

QJRCY crossbelt magnetic separator offer superior strength and reliability and are designed for separation of Ferrous metal from kinds of belt conveyed products

1.	Wet Permanent Drum ...
Dry Magnetic Separator...
Dry Drum Magnetic Sepa...
Dry Type Drum Magnetic...


Chinese Supplier
Flexible Rubber Magnet..

Flexible magnet is made of ferrite powder bonded with macromolecule compounds, such as CPE, NBR, CR, PVC, nylon, and PP etc. It is also called rubber magnet or

Flexible Rubber Magnet
Neodymium Magnet
Neodymium Magnet
Ferrite Magnet
magnet, magnetic material, per.....

Shenzhen Shan Magnetism Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional NdFeB Magnets Producer. We build up a high quality NdFeB production line with the capacity of 300 t

motor magnet
sintered neodymium magnet
fridge magnet
sphere magnet
Plastic products/injection mou.....

Our company specializes in the manufacturer of plastic products including sealing strips, weather strips, magnetic strips, board, pipes, PVC trunkings, decorat

Plastic products/injec...
Plastic products/injec...
NdFeB Permanent magnet...
NdFeB Permanent magnet...
NdFeB Magnets (Neodymium Iron .....

NdFeB magnets were first developed in the 1980's, and NdFeB is still the strongest magnetic material available. These excellent magnetic characteristics, s

Samarium Cobalt Magnet...
AlNiCo Magnets
Hard Ferrite Magnets

Grade C1 ceramic magnets are made of non-oriented materials and have less magnetic strength than Grade C5 and C8.

NdFeB magnet
rotor magnet ,pump magnet..

Mainly applied in chemical industry, washing machines, deep-water motors and the liquid-injection pumps which need absolute seals, but cannot be realized throug

Arc shape NdFeB magnet..

1.professional manufacturer for NdFeB 2.beautiful coating 3.customeried shape 4.various grades 5.up to 200 working temperature

Arc shape NdFeB magnet
Arc shape NdFeB magnet
Supply NdFeB, SmCo, AlNiCo and.....

Our company is one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of permanent magnets in China, and it is certified according to ISO9002 and QS9000. A lot of forei

magnets, magnetic products..

We supply magnet products made of different materials such as Ferrite, NdFeB, SmCo, AlNiCo and fridge magnets. We also can provide different shapes like rectagu

magnets, magnetic prod...
magnets, magnetic prod...
magnets, magnetic prod...
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