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Salt Rock Suppliers

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Crystal Salt AS

Norwegian Exporter
Sea salt, Rock salt, Deicing s.....

A cost efficient, top quality product of gritting salt. Our product has a very high concentration of Na-Cl. We can provide both sea salt and rock salt in this q


we like to let you know that we are Egyptian salt exporters for different types of salt such as (sea salt, washed sea salt  , solar salt , tablet salt

Spiral Salt

Pakistani Exporter
Refined Salt..

We, Lala Enterprises deal in all kinds of salt. We also offer our valuable customers, let us know their specifications about formulations, packaging etc so that

Salt Eagle

Egyptian Exporter
rock salt..

���  Dear Sirs, Herewith we are plea

De icing salt 99.05% NACL
Raw Salt
rock salt

Mystic Rock

Pakistani Exporter
Salt Massage ..

Owing to its healing powers, Mystic Rock provides a complete assortment of Himalayan Salt rock products, which are used in various Spas and massage centers. The

Rock Salt..

Salt is being used in countries with cold climate for de-icing of roads, in oil refineries and as food additive. Rock salt can also be used in the form of brick

Salt Crafted Animals..

Our company has crafted salt animals, in many different designs such as cats, dogs, fishes, turtles etc.

Salt Crafted Animals
Massage Stone Salt
Rock Salt Cooking Slab
Rock Salt Bath Chunks
Himalayan Salt..

Pak Himalaya Salt Traders is a core manufacturer & exporters of Himalayan Salt Lamps, Rock Salt lamps, Rock Salt Lumps, Natural Rock Salt Stones, Himala

Himalayan Salt
Himalayan Salt
Himalayan Salt
Himalayan Salt
Salt Lamps..

We are the exporters of Salt Lamps. These Salt Lamps are made of pure rock salt. We have been exporting these to all over the world.

USB Rock Salt Lamp
Natural Salt Lamp
DEICING salt, Road salt, Egypt..

Egyptian de-icing rock salt " GFMCT "have the Pleasure to Offer your company our Egyptian Deicing Marine Salt Port of Loading: EL-Dekhila Port, o

Washed Salt / Double Washed Salt..

Mutlucan Tuz A.S. is one of the leading salt producers of Turkey. Its a big pleasure for us to meet you at a such trade platform. As Mutlucan, We have been prod

Lake Salt
Double Washed Salt

Al Fakhar Traders

Pakistani Exporter
Sea Salt | Sea Salt Exporter |.....

Sea saltis produced through evaporation of ocean water or water from saltwater lakes, usually with little processing. Depending on the water source, this leaves

Sea Salt | Sea Salt Ex...
Rock Salt | Rock Salt ...


Egyptian Exporter

* De-Icing Salt * Raw salt * Road salt * Rock salt * Crystal Salt * Industrial Salt * Sea Salt * Washed salt


Solid Trade

Egyptian Exporter
Egyptian Rock salt..

We have our rock salt mines here in Egypt in the areas of Siwa Oasis and Qattara depression in the north - western dessert that producing the best quality of ro

Washed  rock Salt
Industrial rock salt
Refined edible salt
Pink Salt, Rock Salt, Salt Lamps..

Attention all salt enthusiasts! Look no further for all your salt-related needs. As a salt mine direct dealer, I am thrilled to present you with a range of exqu

Pink Salt, Rock Salt, ...
Deicing Salt..

Deicing Salt Packing available: Jumbo Bags 1000 KG Jumbo Bags 1250 KG. Bulk shipment loading Quality: Double washed salt crystal clear transparent &

Pink himalaya salt..

The himalaya salt is rock salt mined from Punjab region of Pakistan Pink salt contains iron, copper, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, boron, chromium,

Salt Lamp..

Crystalline rock light made in china is comes deeply from Pakistan's crystallization rock salt - - Himalaya Mountains 600 meters underground, here at prese

najmi enterprise

Pakistani Exporter
Himalyan salt, Pink salt, rock.....

Pink salt(Himalyan salt) available in bulk quantity.    garins form solid block, crushed form available in customize shapes and sizes as well,

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