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Sodium Hydroxide Suppliers

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Etemad Co.

Others3 Supplier
Caustic Soda Flakes (Sodium Hy.....

Caustic Soda is a strong Alkaline substance with high chemical reactivity level which is used in various industries such as: sanitary detergent products, chemic

Caustic soda..

Molecular formula: NaOH Molecular weight: 40.00 2. Materialization nature : Appearance: flake, solid, peals The purely solid caustic soda is white, there

Caustic soda..

Specification: Sodium hydroxide flake (regular grade)/solid/Pearls Sodium hydroxide:99%min/96%min Sodium carbonate:1.2%max Sodium chloride:0.4%max Trioxid

sodium hydroxide
Caustic Soda Flakes..

Caustic Soda Name: caustic soda, sodium hydroxide Molecular formula: NaOH Molecular weight: 40 : 281511000 CAS NO.: 1310-73-2 Commodity: caustic soda

Caustic Soda Flakes
Caustic Soda Flakes
Caustic Soda Pearl
sodium hydroxide..

Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), commonly known as caustic soda.Under normal temperature it is a white crystals, with strong corrosive. Soluble in water, and its soluti

Caustic Soda..

Chemical Name: Caustic Soda, Sodium Hydroxide Chemical Formula: NaOH Purity Quotient: 99%, 96% CASRN: 1310-73-2 Product Specifications: ITEM

Sodium Hydroxide..

Sodium Hydroxide Specification: NaOH content: ≥ 99.3% Fe2O3: ≤ 0.002% Na2CO3: ≤ 0.4% NaCl: ≤ 0.03%

sodium hydroxide..

we provide caustic soda solid 99% and caustic soda liquid 30% and 48%, we can provide about 260000 ton per year for liquid and 80000 ton per year for solid prod

Sodium hydroxide..

sodium hydroxide content greater than 99.0%, sodium carbonate is not more than 0.8%, sodium chloride is not greater than 0.15%, the ferric oxide is not greater

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