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Rice Husk Suppliers

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Vietnam (65)
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Hainam Agrico., Ltd

Vietnamese Exporter
Rice Husk Briquette..

Rice Husk Briquette 100% Natural Plant waste bio-fuel No additives, no chemical, no harm for human beings, high burning efficiency

Rice Husk pellets
Rice Husk

Sekam Desa

Indonesian Supplier
Rice husk..

We are micro, small and medium enterprise focusing on utilization of rice husk/rice hull. Rice husk / rice hull ash especially, contain SiO2,  nitrogen

T.C.V.L Company Ltd

Vietnamese Supplier
Raw Rice Husk of Viet Nam..

Descriptions: Rice husk in raw Material: 100% rice husk of Viet Nam Size: Many Ash:  25% (m/m) Moisture:  3-5% (m/m) Foreign ma

Rice Husk Briquette

kiulegedara products

Sri Lankan Exporter
Rice husk..

1.pure rice husk - we have supplie1kg up to twenty foot continer 2.rice husk charcol- we have to supplie 1kg up to twenty foot continer 3.rice husk ash-we have

Rice husk
Rice husk

Nusa Padi Global

Indonesian Exporter
Rice Husk, Rice Husk Charcoal,.....

Dear all, We provide loose form rice husk with specification as below: - Origin: Indonesia - Type: raw - Moisture: max 5% - Purity: 100% - Packing: 30 kg/bag -

Carbonized Rice Husk/R...
Rice Husk Ash


Vietnamese Exporter
Rice Husk Grind..

Rice Husk Grind is create as closed loop: rice is drying, shelling and rice husk is run on machine grinding and packing

Rice husk..

Crushed and not crushed rice husk. Rice hulls can be used in the production of building materials (blocks, slabs). Its use in the fuel industry will reduce e

Rice husk
Rice husk
Rice husk
Millet husk

ceyload lanka

Sri Lankan Exporter
Rice Husk..

Rice husk, the outer shell of a grain of rice, is produced worldwide and generally considered a waste material. The particular physical properties of rice husk

rice husk..

it is the cover of rice which is used in boilers to burn and produce ***** it is the product which is used for burning *****

CV Ganda Makmur

Indonesian Exporter
rice bran..

Our product is a feed concentrate or a by-products of a rice husk grinded prepared from waste products from the farm industry. Is a feed ingredient that is used


Pakistani Exporter

we are largest and newest exporter of rice husk, cotton hulk and suger baggas all over in the world. we purchase huge quantity of all above product and supply a

Phuong Nhi company

Vietnamese Exporter
coconut product..

Sell: - Coconut charcoal briquette - Coconut shell charcoal - Rice husk briquette, cocopeat compress in briquette

coconut product
coconut product
coconut product
Rice Husk Pellet..

- Diameter: 06mm - 08mm - Length: 20mm - 40mm - Weight: 720kg - 750kg / m3 - Moisture: 12% - 15% - Calory: 3.600Kcal/kg – 4.200Kcal/kg

Vietnamese Rice Husk Briquette..

We, ALLIANCE INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS (ALLIMAS), have our presence in Hongkong, Singapore and Vietnam. ALLIMAS is involved in the handling of products and provision

Vietnamese Rice Husk P...
wood pellet
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