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Handmade Jewelry Suppliers

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top fashion handmade jeseny br.....

Kaishiwei(Liwan, Guangzhou)Jewelry Shop is a professional manufacturer, wholesalers as well as exporter of fashion jewelry in China, It was established in 2008.

fashion handmade cryst...
fashion handmade cryst...
fashion handmade cryst...
fashion handmade cryst...
Multi color handmade gemstone .....

We believe quality is life, While service is blood!   Jewelry Material: Agate( According to the needs of customers) Quality & Certificate: TUV R

2014 most popular crystal mix .....

TTT-jewelry, with 5 years handmade jewelry experience, is now NO.1 supplier on 5 wrap bracelets. We monthly produce 50, 000pcs for our clients which are all bra

wholesale infinity wom...
2014new arrival 5 wrap...
[TTT Jewelry] diy leat...
[TTT Jewelry] 2014 top...
Tibetan necklace..

(1) Material: tibet silver, gemstone etc. (2) Handmade by the skilled craftsman. (3) Bears the tibetan tribal characteristics, it is very popular in these two

Miao silver bangle
Sterling silver..

wholesaler of sterling silver made by hilltribe people from the North of Thailand. Nice and neat products. Check out the catalog and many interesting features f

Sterling silver
Sterling silver
Sterling silver
Brass Dangle Earrings, Swirl B.....

These beautiful brass earrings are handmade. Weaved one of a kind earrings made using brass, Completely handmade, weaving and hammering.  A perfect

Brass Dangle Earrings,...
Brass Dangle Earrings,...
Brass Dangle Earrings,...
Brass Dangle Earrings,...

Milena Sinka

Hungarian Exporter
Handpainted silk scarf with fu.....

Handpainted silk shawl or scarf with fusion glass medal in one package. Unique handmade gift idea for special occasions or christmas.Especially for women.

Handpainted silk scarf...
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